Saturday, May 29, 2010

More Guys Answers about Testicals

Here are some guy questions and guy answers about "why is one testical higher than the other' that Dadudes found from

Why is one testicle higher than the other all of a sudden?
I'm 18 so it's not puberty and i'm pretty sure it's not a torsion because I feel no pain even when i touch them. But since Saturday my right testicle has been hanging high and my left is normal. Whats up with this?

Best Guy Answer
One being higher is normal but ALL of a Sudden is not. Check for tumors but if there is no pain, you should be ok. If it gets worse, see a doctor.

Does having one testical higher than the other?
automatically means something is wrong? for a teenager around 15?

Like one of it is slightly lower because of the sack (you know how the sack shrinks when it is cold?)

well except only one of them is like that the other is more sfot, so the testical hangs lower

but just saying does it automatically mean something is wrong, because i heard they are suppose to hang the same size down

Best Guy Answer - Chosen by Voters
No, they almost never hang at the same level -- for the sake of goodness -- look at your male friends when you are showering -- you will see -- very few if any do not have one higher than the other.

It is in no way a problem. If it were everyone of my friends would be in trouble.

In men, and boys the left testical hangs lower than the right. Is this true for most of men and teenage guys.?

In both men and teenage boys the left testical hangs lower, so in essence when the guy or dude walks, he won't crush one by just the act of walking.. I'd just like to know if it's always the left testical. Or can it be the right one instead?...

Best Guy Answer
For almost everyone one of the testicles hangs lower than the other. The reason you gave sounds as likely as any other I've ever heard.

My experience is that I only really notice the fact of it and not which one it is. I'll be studying it in the future...

Though not having noticed, I suspect it's about equally split. If it weren't, I imagine I would have noticed.

By the way, given one or the other hanging lower, one's penis will lie, not pointing straight down, but angled over to the other side, pushed away by the one that lies higher up. This leads to what tailors call "dressing left" or "dressing right." They then tailor the suit to accomodate your situation: that way when your penis lies to the particular side the pants will not constrict it unduly.

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