Monday, December 6, 2010

Tell us Your Guy Questions

We wanna know your questions so DaDudes can give our expert opinion.

Leave a comment below with your most freakish, or embarrassing question that you need desperatly answered.

Leave it anonymously if you are too shame.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Guy Answers to Six Pack Abs (Free Download)

Want to loose the wobbly belly?...

Discover The Secrets to the  Best Abs Ever!

Exclusive Offer!

Never Before Revealed Information!

Dear Friend,

Do you want to have the body of your dreams, including six pack abs that are sculpted and perfect? Do you look at other people on the beach and envy their good bodies and wish that you had the body to wear the bathing suit you have always wanted? Have you tried starving yourself and exercising, only to find out that you did not achieve any sort of results?

You are not alone. There are a great many people out there who would love to have perfect abdominal muscles. A flat stomach and perfect abs not only make you look nicer, but they make your clothes fit better, too.

There are plenty of abdominal machines and exercise gadgets that promise results, but fall flat. How much money have you wasted trying to get the perfect abs, only to have some gadget sit in the back of your closet? This can be very frustrating, especially when you feel as though you are throwing your money away and not getting results.

Most of these products fail because they only give you one way to get to the abs of your dreams. And if this way doesn't work for you, you're out of luck. But it seemed that all of the advice to get flat abs was geared towards buying some type of gadget or some magic pill.

The only advice....until now!...

What if someone were to tell you that getting the perfect abs is possible for anyone and can be accomplished by using a number of different techniques and methods? What if someone were to tell you that there was a way that you could learn exactly how to get the six pack abs of your dreams, step by step, by not only learning exactly how to exercise and diet, but also how to think?

Well, say goodbye to those abs that are holding you back and start looking forward to the summer at the beach because now there is a way where you can find out the secrets that only a few people know about how to get the six pack abs of your dreams...

The Complete Guide To The Best Abs Ever is Here!

While other books gear you towards buying a product or a service, this book actually tells you exactly what you need to do to get the six pack abs of your dreams. Getting a six pack and looking good is easier than ever if you follow the instructions in this book. This book does not just tell you what workout machines to use, but how to think, what to eat, what not to eat and how to exercise to get the six pack abs that you have longed for but never thought that you would get!

This is the only guide of its kind that tells you exactly how to get what you want...

Tried And Proven Successful Method!

1) Learn what to eat to get the abs of your dreams!

You will need to eat certain foods in certain ways in order to get the abs of your dreams. This book outlines all of the foods that you need to eat, as well as the foods that you need to avoid in clear detail. Not only that, it also goes into when you should eat as well as how much and even what to drink.

2) Learn what exercises to do to get the abs of your dreams!

Exercise is a key factor, as you might imagine, when it comes to getting the six pack abs of your dreams. But there are many exercises that you can do to sculpt your abdominal muscles so that they give you that six pack look that you have always wanted. This book explains, in detail, exactly what you need to do and how to achieve the sculpted, flat stomach look of the six pack abs.

Here is what you will learn inside this guide....

How Much Is That Worth To You?

Normally this book is sold for $17, but today (only from this website) you can download a copy of "Six Pack Abs - Secrets To The Best Abs Ever!" right away and start learning the secrets that few people know when it comes to getting the body of your dreams for FREE! You can get started right away with your plan to get six pack abs that you have always wanted and be ready in time for beach season!

Not only does it offer advice on what to eat and what to do as far as exercise, but it also offers you advice on how to think in order to achieve your goals. If you follow the advice of this book, you will not only have the perfect abs, but you will have a better understanding of yourself and more self confidence.

It is not impossible to get abs that will make you want to show off at the beach. People get these abs all of the time if they are willing to work for them. This book makes it easy to understand how to work for your body and get the results that you want.

So click GUY ANSWERS and get your free copy of "Six Pack Abs - Secrets To The Best Abs Ever!"

Only From DaDudes

P.S. Remember when I told you that this book is your roadmap to getting the perfect abs that you have always wanted? Well, I was not lying! This guide is helping thousands of people get flatter stomachs and the perfect six pack abs of their dreams and it can help you, too!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Weight Lifting Does not Stunt Teenager's Growth

We found this video that talks about weight lifting is not bad for teenagers. It has all the facts with all the scientific research backing it up.

The guy talking has a stupid hat on and no shirt on so he looks like a "git" but the video has some interesting points on it.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Can lifting weights stunt a teenagers height?

DaDudes received this Guy Question about lifting weights:

I am 15 years old boy and people call me chubby. I always wanted to lose weight and look muscly, but now there is a girl at school who told me she won't go out with a fatty so now I really, really wanna fit. I started weight lifting but I have heard something at school, that weight lifting stunts teen’s growth. Is this true?  Or can I carry on lifting weights.

The Guy Answer:

Some people believe there are certain exercises that stunt your growth, which include bench presses, shoulder presses, leg presses and other exercises that oppose the bones in your body. DaDudes have heard lots of people say lifting weights stunt growth of teenagers but we haven't seen any proof of this.  We've seen kids at school lifting weights since they were 13 and they are all growing just fine.  Our P.E. teacher says we shouldn't lift weights competitively until we are older and we should  use relatively lightweights and do 2-3 sets of no more than 15 repetitions during one exercise. He said, we should also try to limit our workouts to three, half-hour sessions per week. 

We read from the internet that: it is important to learn the basics of weight training from a qualified instructor and get medical clearance from your doctor before you begin weight lifting. Learning the proper technique will help you avoid future injuries associated with weight training and some bad effects of weight lifting that usually affect teens. Your instructor can also give you pointers for getting the most out of your workout, which might also help.

We also found that after lots of research on the net, we could not find any scientific evidence to prove that weight training at a young age can stunt your growth. Mariusz Pudzianowski, who is the Worlds Strongest Man x5, started weight training when he was 13, and reached a height of 6 ft 1.

Sooooo DaDudes would say that you can lift weights but don't go overboard.  Just lift light weights and do 2-3 sets of 15 reps.  Make sure you are shown the correct technique by someone who knows what they are doing.

Also, if you are fat, you should make sure you eat healthy and go running 'cos weights are not going to get rid of fat.

If you wanna get six pack abs then click Guy Answers for your free download.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Even Lazy Dudes Can Get Six Pack Abs

The guy question is "How can I get six pack abs the easy way"

If you are anything like us, you'll be too lazy or too poor for the gym and you'd rather stay at home on the playstation anyway....but you still dream of having six pack abs that make your mates jealous and get the girls looking.

You can still is another guy answer from DaDudes:

There is one exercise that can be done without leaving the television set.

• Crunches

Almost all people know how to do this. This exercise targets the upper abdomen. It’s one of the basic but effective exercises. To perform crunches, you need to lie on a flat surface with your hands in your chest or behind you head. Contract your abs, then hold for 2 seconds, then return to your lying position. Proper crunches are in a continuous and controlled fashion. Concentrate on your abdominal muscles to pull your upper body up. Avoid using the neck or shoulders to push yourself up. This incorrect practice will cause stress and strains.

For your free download on six pack abs click Guy Answers

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Getting hit in the groin - hurts!

Nothing funnier than seeing dudes getting hit in the nuts! ha,ha,ha ouch!

But seriously... Here is a guy question for you: can getting hit in the groin cause cancer?  Can it make you sterile?  Leave a comment if you have the  guy answer!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Guy Questions: Checking the Testes for Cancer

Dadudes found this youtube clip that might help any guy questions regarding this issue. are supposed to check the family jewels once a month for lumps etc.  Find any lumps...see the doctor.

Another guy answer from the dudes!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

More Guys Answers about Testicals

Here are some guy questions and guy answers about "why is one testical higher than the other' that Dadudes found from

Why is one testicle higher than the other all of a sudden?
I'm 18 so it's not puberty and i'm pretty sure it's not a torsion because I feel no pain even when i touch them. But since Saturday my right testicle has been hanging high and my left is normal. Whats up with this?

Best Guy Answer
One being higher is normal but ALL of a Sudden is not. Check for tumors but if there is no pain, you should be ok. If it gets worse, see a doctor.

Does having one testical higher than the other?
automatically means something is wrong? for a teenager around 15?

Like one of it is slightly lower because of the sack (you know how the sack shrinks when it is cold?)

well except only one of them is like that the other is more sfot, so the testical hangs lower

but just saying does it automatically mean something is wrong, because i heard they are suppose to hang the same size down

Best Guy Answer - Chosen by Voters
No, they almost never hang at the same level -- for the sake of goodness -- look at your male friends when you are showering -- you will see -- very few if any do not have one higher than the other.

It is in no way a problem. If it were everyone of my friends would be in trouble.

In men, and boys the left testical hangs lower than the right. Is this true for most of men and teenage guys.?

In both men and teenage boys the left testical hangs lower, so in essence when the guy or dude walks, he won't crush one by just the act of walking.. I'd just like to know if it's always the left testical. Or can it be the right one instead?...

Best Guy Answer
For almost everyone one of the testicles hangs lower than the other. The reason you gave sounds as likely as any other I've ever heard.

My experience is that I only really notice the fact of it and not which one it is. I'll be studying it in the future...

Though not having noticed, I suspect it's about equally split. If it weren't, I imagine I would have noticed.

By the way, given one or the other hanging lower, one's penis will lie, not pointing straight down, but angled over to the other side, pushed away by the one that lies higher up. This leads to what tailors call "dressing left" or "dressing right." They then tailor the suit to accomodate your situation: that way when your penis lies to the particular side the pants will not constrict it unduly.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Funny Testicals Video with serious Guy Answers

Check out this video....hilarious!

More Guy Answers from dadudes.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

What if one testical is higher than the other?

Someone at school asked DaDudes this guy question and we all laughed and said, "it's normal bro, it's normal".  One of DaDudes said, "it will drop after teenage years". 

What is the truth?

According to the biology text book the left testicle is always lower than the right one because the left spermatic cord has increased length.  Look at the diagram...

The Spermatic Cord is the pink-coloured thing.  It's a cord-like structure that holds the testicles and contains the arteries, veins, nerves, and lymphatic vessels.  It also contains the vas deferens (the duct that transports the sperm from the epididymis to the penis).

So the left testical is lower cos the left cord is longer than the right side.

We did a google search and found that there could be some medical problems if the testical is getting higher and higher or if there is pain so you should go to the doctor if this is happening.  You should tell your parents too. 

Don't be ashamed to tell someone if you are worried 'cos you wanna get it sorted before it's too late.  You don't wanna wait until the doctor can't help you.